Birthday of IM Simon Ansell (12-ii-1975)
Birthday of IM Simon Ansell (12-ii-1975) Simon Ansell IM Simon Ansell
Birthday of IM Simon Ansell (12-ii-1975) Simon Ansell IM Simon Ansell
Robert Forbes Combe (16 August 1912 – 12 February 1952)
Best Wishes to IM Gavin Wall on this birthday, this day (December 5th) in 1968. Gavin is an Irish International Master whose peak rating (according to Chessbase) was 2413 at the age of 35. IM Gavin Wall {[%evp 0,78,30,23,23,10,65,71,75,56,61,57,44,16,13,10,36,13,13,18,57,69,80,88, 89,88,88,65,95,86,110,47,60,14,14,20,-32,-28,-71,-89,-92,-31,-13,-20,0,-13,129, 0,-22,-21,-51,-122,-127,-113,-105,-224,-237,-494,-494,-497,-495,-533,-494,-591, -625,-630,-662,-666,-709,-711,-709,-728,-722,-715,-726,-712,-709,-710,-710, -710,-716]} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 … Continue reading Birthday of IM Gavin Wall (05-xii-1968)