Death Anniversary of Robert Combe (16-viii-1912 12-ii-1952)
Robert Forbes Combe (16 August 1912 – 12 February 1952)
Robert Forbes Combe (16 August 1912 – 12 February 1952)
We remember Raaphy(i) Persitz who passed away on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009. From British Chess Magazine, Volume CXXIX (129, 2009), Number 3 (March), pp. 130-134 by John Saunders we have this detailed obituary: Raaphy Persitz A tribute to a great friend of British chess, by John Saunders Raphael Joseph Arie (Raaphy) Persitz (26 vii 1934, … Continue reading Death Anniversary of Raaphi Persitz (26-vii-1934 04-ii-2009)
David was Southern Counties (SCCU) champion for the 2004-05 season sharing the title with Tim Hebbes, his brother Steve Ledger and the late Peter Poobalasingam.