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Birthday of WGM Dr. Jana Bellin (09-xii-1947)

Happy birthday WGM Dr. Jana Bellin on this day (December 9th) in 1947. Jana Malypetrova From The Encyclopedia of Chess (Robert Hale, 1970 & 1976), Anne Sunnucks : "International Woman Master (1969), Czech Woman Champion in 1965 and 1967 and British Woman Champion since 1970. Jana Malypetrova Jana was born in Prague on the 9th … Continue reading Birthday of WGM Dr. Jana Bellin (09-xii-1947)

Death Anniversary of Joseph Blake (11-xii-1951)

We remember English player Joseph Blake who passed away on Tuesday, December 11th, 1951. Joseph Henry Blake was born on Thursday, February 3rd, 1859 in Farnborough, Hampshire. His parents were Joseph Denner and Eliza Blake (née Early). In 1871 Joseph (aged 12) had a brother Frank (aged 10), sisters Annie (8), Elizabeth S (7), Eliza … Continue reading Death Anniversary of Joseph Blake (11-xii-1951)

Death Anniversary of Frederick Forrest Lawrie Alexander (13-xi-1879 01-iv-1965)

Death Anniversary of Frederick Forrest Lawrie Alexander (13-XI-1879, 01-IV-1965) Interesting article from Woodseats Library Here is an article from the Chess Composers Blog He was seven times champion of Battersea Chess Club {[%evp 0,55,16,13,30,-10,-10,1,4,-23,0,8,8,13,16,-14,5,-39,15,8,28,10,49,38,67, 26,51,61,40,-25,76,77,73,44,39,43,31,31,94,55,58,31,44,2,144,126,332,314,798, 741,724,718,740,724,915,599,783,606]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 c5 5. e3 O-O 6. Nf3 d5 7. … Continue reading Death Anniversary of Frederick Forrest Lawrie Alexander (13-xi-1879 01-iv-1965)