Death Anniversary of Robert Combe (16-viii-1912 12-ii-1952)
Robert Forbes Combe (16 August 1912 – 12 February 1952)
Robert Forbes Combe (16 August 1912 – 12 February 1952)
Death Anniversary of Geoffrey Harber Diggle (06-xii-1902 13-ii-1993) Here is his Wikipedia entry
Death Anniversary of Frederick Forrest Lawrie Alexander (13-XI-1879, 01-IV-1965) Interesting article from Woodseats Library Here is an article from the Chess Composers Blog He was seven times champion of Battersea Chess Club {[%evp 0,55,16,13,30,-10,-10,1,4,-23,0,8,8,13,16,-14,5,-39,15,8,28,10,49,38,67, 26,51,61,40,-25,76,77,73,44,39,43,31,31,94,55,58,31,44,2,144,126,332,314,798, 741,724,718,740,724,915,599,783,606]} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 c5 5. e3 O-O 6. Nf3 d5 7. … Continue reading Death Anniversary of Frederick Forrest Lawrie Alexander (13-xi-1879 01-iv-1965)