Death Anniversary of Geoffrey Diggle (06-xii-1902 13-ii-1993)
Death Anniversary of Geoffrey Harber Diggle (06-xii-1902 13-ii-1993) Here is his Wikipedia entry
Death Anniversary of Geoffrey Harber Diggle (06-xii-1902 13-ii-1993) Here is his Wikipedia entry
Birthday of GM Mark Lesland Hebden (15-ii-1958) Mrs. Joan Agar; Chairman of Leigh Interests, presents the Leigh trophy (for 1981) to Mark Hebden. Left, David Anderton, BCF President; on the right Malcolm Wood, Leigh's Chief Executive. BCM, 1981, page 104
We remember Raaphy(i) Persitz who passed away on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009. From British Chess Magazine, Volume CXXIX (129, 2009), Number 3 (March), pp. 130-134 by John Saunders we have this detailed obituary: Raaphy Persitz A tribute to a great friend of British chess, by John Saunders Raphael Joseph Arie (Raaphy) Persitz (26 vii 1934, … Continue reading Death Anniversary of Raaphi Persitz (26-vii-1934 04-ii-2009)