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Birthday of GM Jonathan Speelman (02-xi-1956)

We wish GM Jonathan Speelman all the best on his birthday. Jonathan Simon Speelman was born on Tuesday, October 2nd, 1956 in Marylebone, London. His mother's maiden name was Freeman. In March 2002 Jon and Lindsey Thomas were married in Camden, Greater London. They have a non-chess playing son, Lawrence who studied Ancient Languages at … Continue reading Birthday of GM Jonathan Speelman (02-xi-1956)

Birthday of WFM Sarah Longson (née Hegarty) (02-x-1988)

We send best wishes to WFM Sarah Longson (née Hegarty) on her birthday this day, (October 2nd) in 1988. From Sarah's web site : "I have played competitive chess since the age of 7 when I became UK U7 Girls Chess Champion and appeared on Blue Peter where I met the then world champion Garry … Continue reading Birthday of WFM Sarah Longson (née Hegarty) (02-x-1988)

Happy Birthday Susan Caldwell (02-x-1958)

Happy Birthday Susan Linda Caldwell (02-x-1958) Susan is / was a director of the Hallas Foundation Ltd. and Larkham Printers and Publishers Ltd. and is married to former Scottish international Les SF Blackstock. Susan Caldwell playing board two in the London - Belgrade Telex Match on April 3rd, 1976 from the St. James Hotel, Buckingham … Continue reading Happy Birthday Susan Caldwell (02-x-1958)