Birthday of FM James E Vigus (17-ix-1978)
Birthday of FM James E Vigus (17-ix-1978)
Birthday of FM James E Vigus (17-ix-1978)
Best wishes to IM Tom Rendle on his birthday. Thomas Edward Rendle was born on Monday, September 29th 1986. "Stuck with You" by Huey Lewis and the News was the UK's number one single. Tom was born in Hastings, East Sussex and his mother's maiden name is Jefferies. Tom resides in Hastings. Tom attended Bede's … Continue reading Birthday of IM Tom Rendle (29-ix-1986)
We wish David Norwood all the best on his birthday, David Robert Norwood was born in Farnworth, Bolton, Greater Manchester on October 3rd 1968 to an electrician. His mother's maiden name was Mellor. Mary Hopkin was still UK number one with "Those were the days" and would remain at number one for six weeks in … Continue reading Birthday of GM David Norwood (03-x-1968)