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Birthday of IM John Hawksworth (06-xii-1963)

We wish happy birthday to IM John Hawksworth born on Friday, December 6th, 1963. John Crofton Hawksworth was "born in Brighton, England, in December 1963 to Robert Marshall Hawksworth and Norah Connor Hawksworth née Crofton. He was baptised at St Saviour's Church of England church in Pimlico, London, in 1964." This was written about John … Continue reading Birthday of IM John Hawksworth (06-xii-1963)

Birthday of WGM Dr. Jana Bellin (09-xii-1947)

Happy birthday WGM Dr. Jana Bellin on this day (December 9th) in 1947. Jana Malypetrova From The Encyclopedia of Chess (Robert Hale, 1970 & 1976), Anne Sunnucks : "International Woman Master (1969), Czech Woman Champion in 1965 and 1967 and British Woman Champion since 1970. Jana Malypetrova Jana was born in Prague on the 9th … Continue reading Birthday of WGM Dr. Jana Bellin (09-xii-1947)