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Birthday of IM Gary Quillan (07-xi-1970)

Best wishes to IM Gary M Quillan on his birthday, this day (November 7th) in 1970. {[%evp 0,61,19,31,80,74,88,-29,71,24,67,68,50,47,17,18,20,1,0,-50,-4,-25,-27, -36,-18,-9,2,-14,-16,4,14,-15,15,0,15,16,75,75,87,49,55,44,44,44,130,87,87,38, 142,142,116,172,189,69,335,424,669,733,1385,1579,1579,1649,1676,1841]} 1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. f4 d6 4. … Continue reading Birthday of IM Gary Quillan (07-xi-1970)

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