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Birthday of IM Angus Dunnington (09-viii-1967)

Birthday of IM Angus Dunnington (09-viii-1967) Angus James Dunnington was born in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, his mother's maiden name was Townend. He has lived in Castleford, West Yorkshire and most recently in Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire. Angus became a FIDE Master in 1990 and an International Master in 1991. Angus has been a recipient of a Chess … Continue reading Birthday of IM Angus Dunnington (09-viii-1967)

Birthday of IM Malcolm Pein (14-viii-1960)

BCN sends IM Malcolm Pein best wishes on his 61st birthday. IM Malcolm Pein at the King's Place Rapidplay 2013, photograph courtesy of John Upham Malcolm Bernard Pein was born in Liverpool (South). South Lancashire and his mother's maiden name is Max. (Gaige, Felice and all incorrectly have Malcolm L. Pein). Malcolm Pein This … Continue reading Birthday of IM Malcolm Pein (14-viii-1960)

Birthday of Peter Griffiths (15-viii-1946)

BCN sends Happy birthday wishes to Peter Griffiths Peter Charles Griffiths was born on Thursday, August 15th, in 1946 in Birmingham, Warwickshire. His mother's maiden name was Ward. Peter was a strong player active from the 1960s until 1989. He played in the British Championships more than once and was a professional coach and writer. … Continue reading Birthday of Peter Griffiths (15-viii-1946)