BCN sends IM Robert Bellin best wishes on his birthday, this day (the 30th of June) in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.
His first tournament that appears in MegaBase 2020 was the British Under-14 championship.
He was 1st= in the Islington U18 tournament in 1970 with Sergio Mariotti ahead of Michael Stean, John Nunn and a very young Tony Miles

Robert was awarded the IM title in 1977. He was outright British Champion in 1979 in Chester having tied first equal (with six others) in 1974 in Clacton. The play-off was won by George Botterill.

His best international success was in 1981 in Shanghai coming clear first overall.
His highest Elo rating of 2440 was achieved in 1980 at the age of 28.

Robert plays for 4NCL Cheddleton.
He was a member of the Under-65 seniors world championship winning team in 2019.
Robert is married to WGM Dr. Jana Bellin and they have two sons.

He was joint first in the British in 1979 but no play-off was attempted. Short and Nunn got no shout whatever. This upset Nunn for life.