IM George Steven Botterill (08-I-1949) by Nigel Eddis

Happy Birthday IM George Botterill (08-I-1949)

We send birthday wishes to IM George Steven Botterill born on this day (January 8th) in 1949.

Here is his Wikipedia page

Brian Reilly, Ray Keene, George Botterill, Anatoly Karpov, Harry Golombek and Viktor Korchnoi
Brian Reilly, Ray Keene, George Botterill, Anatoly Karpov, Harry Golombek and Viktor Korchnoi

and here is his academic page

Capa vs Corzo Rerun ? Nigel Short had 1977 British Champion George Botterill on the ropes at The National Bank of Dubai Open. In the photo Nigel is considering 42 Rh5 The champ just escaped with a draw.
Capa vs Corzo Rerun ? Nigel Short had 1977 British Champion George Botterill on the ropes at The National Bank of Dubai Open. In the photo Nigel is considering 42 Rh5 The champ just escaped with a draw.

IM George Steven Botterill (08-I-1949)
IM George Steven Botterill (08-I-1949)
The Modern Defence, BT Batsford, 1972, GS Botterill and RD Keene
The Modern Defence, BT Batsford, 1972, GS Botterill and RD Keene
The Pirc Defence, BT Batsford, 1973, GS Botterill and RD Keene
The Pirc Defence, BT Batsford, 1973, GS Botterill and RD Keene
British Chess, Pergamon Press, 1983. Editors : GS Botterill, DNL Levy, JM Rice and MJ Richardson
British Chess, Pergamon Press, 1983. Editors : GS Botterill, DNL Levy, JM Rice and MJ Richardson
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13 thoughts on “Happy Birthday IM George Botterill (08-I-1949)”

  1. George Botterill is missed. I heard a whisper that his wife left him because of chess. True or false it is a sorry tale. Less cheerless, if that’s a double negative or no, is that that is not GSB next to Stephen Fry in the TV Quiz ‘University Challenge’ clip. He never was on good terms with his clock, maybe he just liked calculation above all else. I met him twice and he was an old fashioned gent, well mannered as once we all might have been but, I suppose, never quite were. He wrote a good column in ‘The New Statesman’.

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