IM Harriet Hunt at the 2021 London Chess Classic, Courtesy of John Upham Photography

Happy Birthday IM Dr. Harriet Hunt (04-ii-1978)

We send birthday wishes to IM Dr. Harriet Vaughan Hunt born this day (February 4th) in 1978.

IM Harriet Vaughan Hunt
IM Harriet Vaughan Hunt

Here is her wikipedia entry

Harriet Vaughan Hunt
Harriet Vaughan Hunt

Harriet Vaughan Hunt
Harriet Vaughan Hunt

In 2021 Harriet made a welcome return to competitive chess and won the 2021 British Women’s Championship  in Kingston-upon-Hull twenty-two years after her fourth win.  In the same Dr.  Hunt was  runner-up in the English Women’s Rapidplay Championship to Lan Yao.


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